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Chair of Business Administration, esp. Financial Services

As part of The Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf we are focused on Banking and Insurance. In the area of teaching we also cover more general topics like corporate finance, financial management, and decision analysis. We lecture in all programs of the faculty, i.e. Bachelor, Master, and MBA. In the area of research we are dealing with strategic management of banks, risk management and regulation in financial institutions, SME financing, entrepreneurial finance, and private equity.

As most of our lectures are held in German and a lot of our research papers is also done in German, please understand that our web-sites are mostly in German. But don't hesitate to contact us if there are any questions.

Our Chair of Business Administration, esp. Financial Services offers the optional compulsory mudule:

  • BW02: Bank and Insurance Management

during the bachelor degree.

The courses of the master degree are listet below:

  • MW46: Financial Intermediation
  • MW47: Bank Management and Financial Services
  • MW44: Bank Accounting
  • MW56: Asset Management
  • MW108: Advanced Corporate Finance

You are able to get access to the course documents of the Chair of Business Administration, esp. Financial Services by the following link:

­­­­­Registration for the e-Learning Space of the Chair of Business Administration, especially Financial Services


Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Prof. Dr. Christoph J. Börner
Chair of Financial Service
Building 24.31 Floor/Room 02.07
Universitaetsstrasse 1
40225 Duesseldorf